Answer to the question

 Busy with the tax issues ... legal issues distract as well as other problems that throw confusion for you. We are happy to serve you with our knowledge and dexterity to solve your problems and grievances. Just apply membership with us (apply for free), then you can send your questions to us and obtain the answer by the following method.

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We would analyze your question and reply within 7 days (approximately). Moreover, you could send other related questions to us until your problem can be solved.

The answer is derived from research law regulation and rulings related to relevant issues. These are answers by a team of consultants is not conclusive or legally binding in any way. The facts in your case might be different issues. Hence, necessary research and other relevant legislation should be studied completely before bringing the answer to apply.

If your question is a question that requires an in-depth legal principles and practices that contain more detailed. Consultants can offer a detailed scope of work and service fee that you could consider the appropriateness.

Clearly defined questions. When it is complete, login to Members, send question and receive answer soon. Light at the end of the tunnel would swallow the dark obsession. Using these channel will be very convenient and fast. We would like to answer questions only through this channel.

Sincerely Yours,
M S G Consultant